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Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Botulism

A FFXI Melee farming bot by Dragoons Version 1.1Copy and past to a txt rename to:.macSecond code Copy and past to a txt and rename to: ffxiinfo.datPast the file into your ACTOOL macro folder.Find the PID of POL.EXE you can uselaunch FFXI with windower, in ff option set keyboard to compact modeMacros:Setup macros as needed. Change commands in parenthesis as neededCtrl 1- target/targetnpcCtrl 2- lockon/lockonCtrl 3- weapon skill/ws '(your weapon skill's name)' Ctrl 4- attack/attackCtrl 5- cure/ma '(Cure I, II, III, etc.)' Ctrl 6- heal/healCtrl 7- pull(use something like /ma Dia or /ra )Ctrl 8- special attack.optional.(use something like a nuke or ranged attack or whatever needed). I'm having problems with this. I have set the keyboard mode in game to compact but it still not saying I have. D: Is there any work around for this?

Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Botulism

Pretty much the same Problem Corvox had.Basically it wont recognise that FFXI is in Compact mode. So I made a new.mac and took out the check for compact rule out. Thinking that would solve my problem it then it comes up with Error in Line 79 'Strpos mobname = $mob, $infotargetname' I tried changing the Mob name constant ('mob =') to none and other mob names but it still came up with problems suggesting that there is an error somewhere that is unseen.Any suggestions? After spending about 2 hours trying to fix this code, i have concluded:The poster is a troll.He's either deliberately changed something or knew this didn't work and has reposted something that hasn't worked in years.Anything to do with infotargetname or infotargetstat doesnt work, ive tried un-cluttering the ffxiinfo.dat, placing it in different places, trying to change the checkmob code. Everything i can think of with almost no actools expertise but some programming knowledge.But no matter what you do it cannot find the constant of these lines.Everyway i try to make a constant of the lines it does nothing but say its an improper use of setconst.its almost as if infotargetname and stat don't exist in the.dat.at least i have no clue what is going on here.

Here are the errors that I am getting1- Rebuild All started: Project: assignment 408, Configuration: Debug Win32 - 1Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'assignment 408', configuration 'Debug Win32' 1Compiling. 1test4.c 1c:usersmike regasdocumentscop3205program assignmentsassignment 408assignment 408test4.c(30): warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpys instead.

To disable deprecation, use CRTSECURENOWARNINGS. See online help for details. 1c:usersmike regasdocumentscop3205pr ogram assignmentsassignment 408assignment 408test4.c(30): warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpys instead.

To disable deprecation, use CRTSECURENOWARNINGS. See online help for details. 1 c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio 8vcincludestring.h(74): see declaration of 'strcpy'This is just VC being weird. Strcpy is not deprecated by the standard - it's perfectly fine to keep using it (as long as you use it correctly):) 1c:usersmike regasdocumentscop3205pr ogram assignmentsassignment 408assignment 408test4.c(134): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before 'type'in C, all variable declarations have to be at the start of a block. Line 133:root = NULL;is followed by more declarations - that's not allowed in C. Just remove line 133.You initialize root to NULL a few lines further anyway, and you could also consider doing the initialization the moment root is declared:struct treenode.

What Is Ac Tool

root = NULL;It's always good to initialize your variables as soon as they're declared.